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The Formless Within the Form

Writer: YassicaYassica

Updated: May 1, 2022

The Formless Within The Form by Yassica Ferrer, October 2019

The inspiration for this artwork came after attending an advanced hypnotherapy course in London October 2019. In that course, I unexpectedly re-visited a past life that I had visited a couple of years earlier in a Past Life Regression session in June 2017. There were aspects (layers) of that life that needed additional healing. I explore this further in my story Re-membering My Heart.

The artwork's title was inspired by the book I was reading at the time, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean. The following passage resonated with how I was experiencing myself in other forms while in this human body.

Not as man am I
for free have I become of dimensions and planes.
In each, take I on a new body.
In each, I change in my form.
Know I now that the formless is all there is of form.

When I reach high frequency/vibrational states in deep meditation and hypnosis, or during a sound healing (i.e., gong bath), or moving chi around my body (i.e., Chi Gong), what unfolds next is usually the most challenging part of the healing. The high frequencies will push out the lower density ones (or bring them to the light, as it were) to see it, acknowledge it, learn the lesson, be thankful for it, accept it, and forgive yourself and others. The process can take days, months, or years.

When lower density imprints (i.e., emotions, traumas) are pushed out, they manifest in your conscious reality (as an event, a person, etc.). Unless you go through the integration process (healing), you will continue to draw similar experiences that are a vibrational match until you can finally shift the vibration of the negative imprint/limiting belief.

When I started healing other dimensional aspects of myself and integrating them into my human form, my heart space felt like it would explode because I was not allowing the space within to let go and expand. I was trying to make my experiences fit into a preconceived structure; in truth, I was just scared to let go and accept the process. It is easier to hold on to what is familiar even though we may know it is not good for us.

The painting, therefore, represents what it feels like to be free within a human form. When we are free, we are not contained (feel restricted), we are not trapped, and we are not limited to one structure or form. We are free to expand ad infinitum, and we can express the formless within all our forms.

The artwork was finished on November 19, 2019, by Yassica Ferrer using acrylic and gold leaf. This painting forms part of the series "The Eyes of Love" and shared as a story in the following article Re-membering My Heart.


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